Who we are

About us

UFSIT was founded by Jordan Wiens and John Sawyer in 2006, shortly after their team’s win at the DEFCON 14 capture the flag competition. Several students approached Jordan and John, wanting to learn more about security, which led to the formation of the club.

Our goal is to provide a welcoming environment for students to learn more about all areas of information security, including topics such as penetration testing, reverse engineering, vulnerability research, digital forensics, and more.


Be sure to check out each team’s page below for more information.


We’re pretty crazy and have (at least) one meeting nearly every day of the week. Generally, meetings are around 6 PM, but the specific time and place can vary. Be sure to keep an eye on our Discord announcements for the most up-to-date information.

And don’t worry, you are not expected to show up to every meeting; you can mix and match as much as you like. They are all beginner friendly, so don’t worry about jumping in mid-way through the semester if you feel like it.

Some of our competition teams also host additional meetings on a case-by-case basis, so talk to the team captains if you are interested in participating!



Red team


Blue team


CTF team


General body meeting


WiCyS team


CTF competition


Every year we elect new officers and chairs to run our club — our current board is as follows:

Adam Hassan


Andrey Nitkin

Vice President

Yuilang Huang


Cole Smith


Collin Whitney

Competition Officer

Ayden Colby

Red Team Chair

Alex Christy

Blue Team Chair

Jaden Bigio

External Liaison

James Geiss


Heidi Guntert

Fundraising Chair